Lujain + Bryan | Brantford Airport Engagement Photography | Moments -by Lauren

I love it when my couples are up for something different. Lujain, Bryan and I ran through a few options when we started chatting about their engagement session and we found something a little outside the box that all three of us were pretty pumped about.

It’s not every day you get to take over a runway, and the Airport in Brantford certainly didn’t disappoint… we truly had our run of the place. Lets put this killer backdrop aside for a second though, and discuss how Lujain + Bryan completely stole the show. I seriously couldn’t get enough of how much fun they have together, how much they can kick back and how they can bring out those smiles in each other.

“What smiles?” you may ask. Take a peek at some of my favourite frames… That second shot was literally the 7th shutter click of the session. (…come on, right?!)

They’re getting hitched this Sunday and I have a sneaking suspicion those smiles might make another appearance.