Renovation Diaries

If you follow along with my instagram or snapchat, you've likely seen a few of these attached to the #renovationdiaries. I thought a fun way to cap off the few posts I've done on my new studio would be to do a full Before and After, with a few extra behind the scenes photos and videos. 

So take a peek at some of my favourite shots of the transformation with quite a few photobombs from my dad, randomly scattered coffee cups, and more then a few changes.

It sure was quite the facelift! 


And the side-by-side's are even better to show the real Before & After! 


And a few more random shots throughout the process are below! 

I obviously couldn't have done this on my own and can't thank my family enough for their support! Although I'm sure there were times we struggled, were too tired to keep going, and wanted to kill each other - I LOVED renovating this place with my Dad. He saw the original potential in this building and after a few design conflicts discussed in a loving manner I seriously couldn't be happier with the way it turned out. (I just count my blessings we have similar taste in music - as it was one less thing to debate!) Whether you pitched in with some of the reno, brought by a coffee or a snack for us in the wee hours or even sent a quick message of support - this process made me realize I'm almost too lucky to have such awesome people in my life that were just as excited to help me as this new venture gets off the ground! 

Now that I've shared the full story behind the renovation, I'm so excited to get back to blogging some of my client work! All new images on the blog this week!