What You See vs. What I See
As a follow up to the first look into choosing a location for your session or wedding day images, today I’m diving a little bit deeper into the Behind the Scenes of how exactly I narrow things down!
Location scouting is a big piece to the puzzle when I’m compiling a list and suggesting options for my clients - it’s also one of my favourite things to do! Any time I’m at a new spot I’m always grabbing some quick photos or video on my cell phone for potential backdrop options. The trick however is that often times you and I will see things very differently! You may pass by a spot that doesn’t seem like anything special at all, while I look at it as a gold mine of opportunities. My job (of course) is to understand the lighting, backgrounds and the composition, but also how each element that goes into a photo will look when it’s edited and delivered to your inbox or hung up on your wall! That’s what I’m seeing as I’m looking through the viewfinder.
Take a peek through some of the behind the scenes looks and compare them to the final images, below!
Pretty interesting, isn’t it?!

If you’re looking to level-up your ability to scout, choose and execute a new location, it’s something I’d love to help with!