YEAR IN REVIEW - Best of 2019
I know what you’re thinking… that we’re three weeks into the new year and this post has been looooong overdue. Trust me, I feel ya!
Well, let me be honest with you in saying that 2019 was a pretty rough year for me personally (and for the ones I love). It came with a lot of loss and sadness, even if it might not have seemed like that from the outside. Truly, I wasn’t very eager to look back and re-live the year so I kept putting this “Year in Review” off on my list of “to-do’s”.
I then realized my professional life in 2019 didn’t fail in allowing me to witness quite a lot of incredible moments too ... and they deserved to be shared just like they have in the years past. So I’ve finally got my act together. I’ve found that I’ve become even more passionate about documenting life and creating a legacy through these images that can be shared with all generations to come - all while documenting your unique and awesome stories. As always, I loved being able to turn everything else off and get lost behind the camera as I continued to look for those little moments and creative angles for you. Choosing a few favourites was just as impossible as it always is, but I tried to narrow things down as much as I could!
So without any further ado, I want to thank each and every person who was in front of my lens or cheering me on from the sidelines in 2019. Thank you for trusting me, thank you for sharing your stories, and thank you all for bringing a lot of happiness and light to a bit of a darker year.
I’m so excited to have some new (and old) friends in front of the camera again this year… so stay tuned.
Happy 2020, pals - I hope you enjoy this look back!